Category Archives: Campaign Worlds

This category focuses on the role playing campaigns I am involved with.

Pirates find the Star League Base

November 2nd, 3043

It’s the fifth pirate raid in as many months and they seam to be searching the planet for something.


On the edge of an abandoned city set on low rolling hills.


  • COM-2D Commando
  • JR7-D Jenner
  • HER-2S Hermes II
  • LCT-3V Locust

Pirate Scouts

The first wave of the attacking for is composed of the following mechs;

  • Assassin
  • Panther
  • Jenner
  • Clint

A lull in the battle

The Clint parks outside the door to the concealed base, and the pilot enters through a service hatch. After finishing off the opposition the mech warriors enter the underground complex. They are met with a luck escape from an Anti Personnel mine, rusted gangways to fall off, some derelict battlemechs and a working computer.


After the botched raid the players capture a number of pilots, including Aran Kale. They also notice that the Jenner is the one that they have sold to fund the modification of the Quickdraw. The discovered Star League base offers slim pickings and is quickly claimed by the local authorities.

Twin Dragons

The Mercenary Unit that the PCs are part of, and you can guess which lance is theirs.

Unit Roster

Command Lance

  • DRG-1N Dragon
  • DRG-1N Dragon
  • SHD-2D Shadow Hawk
  • OSR-2C Ostroc

Striker Lance

  • GRF-1N Griffin
  • BJ-1 Blackjack
  • HBK-4J Hunchback
  • LCXT-1v Locust

The Left-over Lance

  • COM-2D Commando
  • JR7-D Jenner
  • HER-2S Hermes II
  • LCT-3V Locust

Protecting Paulinus (First Contract)

April 15th, 3043

The first contract for the PC after they have joined the Twin Dragons is garrison duty protecting the planet of Paulinus in the Lothian League for a period of two years. The job promises to boring, but as the first raid touches down the truth hits home.

Location: On flat open plains with a little tree cover.


  • COM-2D Commando
  • JR7-D Jenner
  • HER-2S Hermes II
  • LCT-3V Locust

Raiding Party

  • WSP-1A Wasp
  • LCT-3V Locust
  • STG-3R Stinger
  • COM-2D Commando


This battle saw a clean sweep to the defending lance. The Wasp went down to a lucky head shot and the Stinger & Locust where gutted by explosions. The Commando become salvage and used to repair the team’s Commando.

Aran Kale


Aran was born into a Scandinavian family in 3024 on the world of Harvest before the formation of the Free Rasalhague Republic his family was urban poor, so he spent much of his time growing up on the streets under the rule of the Draconis Combine. When the world was captured by the Lyran Commonwealth, Aran’s parents signed him up for a scholarship with the Tamar War College, which he won for his phenomenal Fitness. Although it meant traveling the Tamar to start his training. While at the Tamar college, Aran met Jacob Rann and the two rapidly became enemies. After a particularly bad incident involving honey and a dozens ducks in the barracks, Jacob forced Aran’s transfer to Martial Academy of Bolan, on the other side of Lyran controlled space.

On route to Bolan, he befriended the jumpship captain, Lucas Keal shipping cargoes and passengers. It took another three long and harsh years at the Bolan Academy before the basic training was complete. During this time he officially became a citizen of the Free Rasalhague Republic with it’s creation. With the help of Jacob Rann the Lyran bureaucracy finial realized Aran’s status as not one of us, so he lost the remaining 3 months of his scholarship. Lacking the financial means to continue his studies or even support himself. He looked elsewhere, and as luck would have it Lucas was on Bolan and offered a way off world in exchange for helping out as crew.

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Swedish


  • Enemy: Jacob Rann
  • Connection: Lucas Keal
  • Fit
  • Toughness

Special Item

To be added later!



Jack was born into a large spacer family of vagabonds and traders, and when he was a small child they moved to Trondheimal to claim a large parcel of land to farm. The family still used the two dropship and the jumpship the Ebony Arrow to run cargoes.

The Cirinus Federation attacked in 3034 destroying the family’s farm, capturing the two dropships. Jack survived for two years on the streets before the Federation left, and could return to his ruined home. But with no family, he moved with the many refugees to the capital of the Illyrian Palatinate, Illyria. Spending most of his time around the loading docks of the space port he got to know the various dropship captains and merchants.He grew up around the loading docks working with the industrial ‘mechs and playing on the combat simulators.

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Unknown


  • Connection: Jax Mortan, merchant.
  • Connection: Maurek, bounty hunter.
  • Fast learner

Special Item

The Ebony Arrow, an old derelict Invader class jumpship in concealed orbit around a star only known to Jack.



Ace was born into the mercenary unit known as the Knight Blazers, working for the Illyrian Palatinate and has spent most of his life growing up within the unit. Even as a child he saw action on the worlds of Trasjkis and Trondheimal during the Circinus Federation’s Illyrian Offensive in 3034-36. Although after the fumbled invasion the mercenary unit fell upon hard times, and was disbanded in November of 3042.

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Greek


Special Item

An old set of Dog-Tags that belonged with his great-grandfather. It has a set of numbers etched on to the back.

Kal Skirata


Kal Skirata was born within the Niops Association on the world of Niops V. His father was imprisoned for seeking equal rights for all citizens, leaving his mother and himself on the run from the authorities. Life eventually settled down when his mother was able to find work off-world aboard a dropship working LoaderMechs to handle cargoes.

While growing up in the cargo holds, loading docks, and space ports of Niops and neighbouring worlds, Kal met Richard Lew a supplier of information and exotic equipment.

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Other????


  • Connection: Richard Lew
  • Combat Sense

Special Item

A large ring set with a single dark garnet, which conceals a data crystal containing encrypted files.



Born into the Raid Lords pirate band, John’s family spent most of his early childhood on the run from various authorities in the Free Worlds League, moving from world to world, before settling into the relative stability on-board of the jumpship Nightwind running cargoes between the worlds of the Marian Hegemony, the Illyrian Palatinate, the Lothian League and other minor worlds, such as the Niops Association. Along with other less legal activities…

From an early age John displayed a natural ability to work with machines spending much of his spare time with them. When on-planet he worked the industrial mech in the loading docks and spend much of his down-time travelling in the ‘mech simulator aboard the dropship, firewing. During most pirate raids John would either man the laser turrets on the Nightwind, or in the family’s mechs.

Now he has taken the opportunity to work with the Mercenary unit the Twin Dragons.

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Japanese


  • Tech Empathy
  • Connection: Kimberely Benzai, jumpship captain

Special Item

As a result of his upbringing and family, he has a data core listing most of the pirate jump points for every system from the Circinus Federation to the Magistracy of Canopus and including 30 light years into the Free Worlds League.