Category Archives: Downloads

Cyberpunk 2020 – Combat summary

I’ve started working on a combat summary for players of Cyberpunk 2020.

I used the details from the Cyberpunk 2020 Reference Book (Version 5). It collects together information from a range of Cyberpunk 2020 books. I copied the 3 column layout from the Cyberpunk 2020 Core rulebook adding a few details of my own. Finally, I added a bloody fingerprint, some splatters and the iBorg image by zoopee for a bit of extra flavor.

The Cyberpunk 2020 Reference Book (Version 5) has been available on the net for many years. It has been collated by Andrew James of However, the Ref Book was last updated in 2002 and the website looks out of date.  Any search for “Cyberpunk 2020 Reference Book, Version 5” should turn it up.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

Although I’m in favour of Open Source Software, it’s good to know about Copyright and Intellectual Property (IP).

Concerning IP in Australia

This video, A day in the life of IP Australia, provides an overview of IPAustralia the Australian Government department dealing with IP and trademark concerns within Australia

UK Information


On the AsapScience Youtube Channel there is a simple hearing test with a little background on the subject.


For a fuller test look at the following series of videos


Print on Demand Services, Melbourne

The costs with the local printer for the printing of a single book proved to be too expensive. So I did bit of research into Print on Demand services in and around Melbourne, Victoria. Although I have not looked into it, most books seam to be printed in China at the moment and companies there should provide a cheaper service, but you would need to be certain of the end product as there are many things that could go wrong.

Print on Demand

Print on Demand or PoD,  is a useful adaption by printers to everyone’s need for a one off books, or a very short run of books. There have been improvements in software used to produce books, for example Adobe’s InDesign or the open source Scribus. Websites have also improved in that they can provide an image that looks close to the final document, removing some of the need for the converting from digital to print. This has resulted in less risks and associated costs with following this path.

The Process

Generally speaking, once the document or book has been written. The text is laid-out on the page, with images & diagrams added. There are a number of check that should happen at this stage, the pre-flight document before being sent to the printer. Looking at things like the colour gamuts of the text and images, the bleed, the placement of the gutters, margins and slugs. It really opens another world of possibility when converting an idea into a physical really.

PoD Services

So here’s a quick list;