Cyberpunk 2020 – Combat summary

I’ve started working on a combat summary for players of Cyberpunk 2020.

I used the details from the Cyberpunk 2020 Reference Book (Version 5). It collects together information from a range of Cyberpunk 2020 books. I copied the 3 column layout from the Cyberpunk 2020 Core rulebook adding a few details of my own. Finally, I added a bloody fingerprint, some splatters and the iBorg image by zoopee for a bit of extra flavor.

The Cyberpunk 2020 Reference Book (Version 5) has been available on the net for many years. It has been collated by Andrew James of However, the Ref Book was last updated in 2002 and the website looks out of date.  Any search for “Cyberpunk 2020 Reference Book, Version 5” should turn it up.