Needed a bunch of NPCs for the current adventure, so I put together an NPC Character sheet to record the relevant info.

This will hopefully start the process of building up an NPC library for use in my games.
Resources for Cyberpunk 2020
While I love the cyberpunk 2020 system, I feel that the Martial Arts part of it has a few problems and does not deal with Mixed Martial Arts.
Firstly, many Martial Arts are just variations of a theme as there are only so many ways to injure someone. And taking multiple Martial Art Skills, your character ends up wasting IP (ie Experience). So as it stands, CP2020 does not deal with mixing martial arts together that well.
Secondary, most Martial Arts start with the foundations and then include weapon training at higher levels of skill. Having chosen a Martial Art, a character is almost locked into that path. So the form does not grow or evolve as the character does.
And finally, it cuts down on the roleplaying opportunities as a character does not need to learn from others. To find the master that can teach them that final technique to become the ultimate killing machine.So the goal of this is to retain the feel of the CP2020 martial arts while allowing character growth. To simplify the system. And to give the cool feel of the H2H from movies like John Wick (1, 2, 3, & 4), The Raid, & soo many other movies…
This is the Art-less edition (ie No Art)
Sector 34 created a cool subnet map for their game. So I created a font to make it easier to create Subnets and put together a sheet to map out a subnet.
NB: Yes I know that Code Gates are not listed, but Sector 34’s map has them on the links between systems.
This is a basic font to map out subnets for Cyberpunk 2020. The lowercase is all of the old classic icons Netrunning section of the Core Rules, while the uppercase takes inspiration from Sector 34. All the glyphs have been created by me and are offered here with a CC-BY-SA license.
After watching Seth Skorkowsky’s Cyberpunk 2020 -RPG Review 2.0, I found it necessary to put together an updated version of the Character sheet.
Luckily, I’d been working on something similar for a homebrew and I had most of this kicking about. So with a few quick changes for the stats & skill list, I’ve backported this character sheet to the Cyberpunk 2020 era.
The logo is adapted from the new Cyberpunk 2077 computer game and the font is Cyberpunk is Not Dead. The text is straight from the original character sheet, although I did add Seth’s sections for vehicles & clothing.
Also here’s Seth’s review on one of the best games systems I’ve ever played as it strikes the balance between realism and playability. Sadly, the tech of the world has not aged well with its FAX machines and archaic ideas around the Internet.
I’ve started working on a combat summary for players of Cyberpunk 2020.
I used the details from the Cyberpunk 2020 Reference Book (Version 5). It collects together information from a range of Cyberpunk 2020 books. I copied the 3 column layout from the Cyberpunk 2020 Core rulebook adding a few details of my own. Finally, I added a bloody fingerprint, some splatters and the iBorg image by zoopee for a bit of extra flavor.
The Cyberpunk 2020 Reference Book (Version 5) has been available on the net for many years. It has been collated by Andrew James of However, the Ref Book was last updated in 2002 and the website looks out of date. Any search for “Cyberpunk 2020 Reference Book, Version 5” should turn it up.
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