#4: Monday’s Day of Deals

What follows are my pre-session notes with modifications for what happened during the session.

Scene #1: Meeting with the Bradi bunch

Purpose: This scene is for Mr. White to trade weapons with the gang, the Bradi Bunch (Checking youtube for video snippets, I realise how much I dislike the late ’60s TV series). And for me to pass on information to the team about the Nomad’s lost family.

Place: 10 am in a disused ’60s-style dinner/milk bar, decked out with Linoium & chrome.

People: “Mike Bradi” acting as the face Mr. White will talk to. Greg & Bobby to lug boxes. Alice as the sniper across the road with an assault rifle, just in case. NB: They all look like they’re out of the ’60 Tv show (See Disposable Goons sheets).


  • Mike in friendly tones: “Nice to meet you Mr. White. Do you have the crates?”
  • Mike: “Oh Alice”, to call in help from the sniper (Alice). NB: Not used but I’ll save this for later.
  • Mike, slightly warning tone: “Now, here’s a story… Nobody likes a fixer who plays both sides of the street. Eventually, people will turn on the middle.” – implying don’t sell to our enemies, possible persuasion roll. – “You wouldn’t be doing something like that?”
  • Mike: “You hang with that Naked Nomad, Tracer Naught?” “I heard that his family got aced by some corp goons. Little Bobby here saw the vans leaving the site. Some euro for his tuition could help him remember more details”. Streatdeal: 15 (Cost:100 eb).
  • Bobby, the illiterate kid punk. “Yea.” “I saw 3 vans with the logo of a flaming man on the side.”
  • NB: Lazarus Bio-Engineering.

Postscript: This went off without a hitch and Mr. White met up with the others.

Scene #2: Firefight with the Red Chromer Legion

Purpose: Again it’s weapons trading in this day of deals, but this time put some bullet holes in the PCs.

Place: 1pm in a dock-side warehouse full of useless plastic dolls.

People: Ben “the Purifier” Williams as the chief goon with 4 obvious goons, plus 4 others in ambush (See Disposable Goons sheets).

Plot: This is a stright up firefight. Try to luse the PCs into the warehouse and shoot them to bits. It’s gangers, sop no real planning. if it starts to go south, Ben will make a run for it.

Postscript: The gangers were almost commically ineffective and Ben died just inside the door of the warehouse.

  • The Russain remains obivious to they others, by trying to be a clear cop.
  • The Chemist has now moved onto collecting cyberware, in this case the Rippers are still in the hands from the 6 dead. The Russian will be investigated for this
  • Mr White collects the cash and now offers the weapons to the Bradi Bunch. Deal to follow.

Scene #3: Meeting with the Metal Warriors

Purpose: More weapons trading, but pay some kudos for surviving the last encounter. Also need to speed things up to get to the truck heist.

Place: 4pm at a local bar.

People: Andrea “Kali the knife” as the group’s face with 5 cybered up combat gangers (See Disposable Goons sheets).

Plot: More friendly trading

  • Kali: “Nice of you boys to make it here with the scratches you’ve got.”
  • “Why’d you bring the fucker here”, pointing at the Chemist. “Sable from mealstrom is looking for him.”. Something happened at that party Saturday”
  • “We got parts (ie cyebrware), if you can trade. We’re looking for some good heavy body armour.”

Postscript: The gangers were almost commically ineffective and Ben died just inside the door of the warehouse.

  • The Russain remains obivious to they others, by trying to be a clean cop. Will have to do somethign about this
  • The Chemist has now moved onto collecting cyberware, in this case the Rippers are still in the hands from the 6 dead. The Russian will be investigated for this
  • Mr White collects the cash and now offers the weapons to the Bradi Bunch. Deal to follow.

Scene #4: The Truck Hiest

Purpose: The truck hiest is the culmination of the last 2 session, and it’s split over 3 parts to this scene.

Place: 10pm on the I-115 Freeway.

People: 2 cop cars & 3 trucks.


  1. Taking out the cops
    • The Netrunner is used to take out these, but it wasn’t a PC. So I just used the Netmap from the jumpstart Kit and rolled to work out how long it would take. As fate would have it they got hit by a Hellhound once they’ed taken out the second cop car. it gave the Medtech something to do.
  2. Hitting the Road-block
    • The trucks got hit before they hit the roadblock before they hit the road-block.
    • Shotguns loaded with acid shells to take out the windows, and followed up with custom gas grenades.
    • The passenger in the first truck tosses the grenade out before looking concenious. The Chemist jumps onboards to take control of the vehicle and blowing most of his luck to avoid running through the roadblock
    • With the second truck, the gas grenda bounched back and forth between the Russian and the driver, before logding in the truck, which subsequently slows to a stop.
    • the third truck is secured by the Nomads, without fuss.
  3. Wrap-up
    • The team secured the vehicles and drop the bodies on the freeway. The Nomads leave with 2 trucks, but not the third as it’s not a fuel truck.
    • The group of Streetraces the team persuaded that the Freeway would clear, leave the scene quickly.
    • This leaves the PCs with a truck loaded with robotics and stuff. They call their Bratva masters to have the vehicle disappear. during this time tyhe team walks with a collection of cyberware. About 100,000 eb worth of processers, eyes & limbs, but it’s marked by the NorCal Military.

Postscript: This worked to get the pockets of the PCs lined with cash while increasing the possible problems.

  • The NorCal Military will be back, once they discover who’s responsable. Especially if the cyebrware starts coming out of a single location in the zone.
  • Word of what happened will spread from the group of streetraces. They don’t like been used, so they will happily share the story of what happened.
  • The Nomad pack hired will handover half the agreed weapons, for the 2 out of 3 trucked provided. But question the details provided by the team in the future. Asking for a higher price or offering less for what’s provided.

Scene #5: Facing Sable

Purpose: The Pcs wanted to chase down Sable, so set up a meeting in a park.

Place: Tuesday, 12 noon. Local Park

People: Sable & 5 Mealstrom gangers. The Chemist and a hired sniper. Along with soem Metal Warriors (See Disposable Goons sheets).

Plot: Nothing really planed, just layed out a firefight.

  • Mealstrom through against Metal Warriors


  • The Chemist detonated a kilo of C6, so the cops will have to head this up. And the Russain is the best for the job.