Cyberpunk Net Combat – Summary

Back in ’94-’95, I updated the Netrunning rules to make play easier, especially for Net Combat.  What follows is a summary / TLDR of those rules. Each round plays out at the same speed are the real world, just to keep the game flowing.

Initiative: The interface skill on page 46 says, “Other players can enter the Net, but cannot use the Menu.” This means that any action in the net requires Interface (See pages 149 – 150). I doubt this was intentional, so we just dropped this requirement and made Interface improve initiative. Making Netrunners, the Solos of the Net.

INT + Interface + speed – number of LDLs + 1d10
* LDLs in Africa get -2 each, not -1.

Jacking Out: The next change was logging out, the roll of 8 or less on a 1d10, seams at odds with the rest of the system and a character’s Cool should play a part.

COOL + 1d10 vs 12 

Using Software: This section was a little convoluted with Interface use in some places but not others. So the goal here was to simplify the dice rolls for Net Combat. Str vs. Str roll with program types acting against one another. If the roll is tied then favor falls to the defender.

INT + Str + 1D10 vs INT + Str + 1D10

Offensive Program Defending Program
Trace Evasion
Detection Stealth
Decryption Utility
Intrusion Codegate
Anti-System / Anti-Deck Datawall
Anti-Program / Anti-IC The Str of the program it’s attacking.
Anti-Personal Protection
Controller Controller in device
Utility vs 10
Interactive vs 10
Compiler (Demon) See the programs it’s loaded with