The art of storytelling

Every life has a story, it is a story and creates many stories around it.

Most gamers start with Dungeons & Dragons as their form of live interactive fiction. The lessons learned from D&D style storytelling are simple and thankfully the support for creating those stories has improved over the years. However, much of that Bardic wisdom remains untapped.

TVTropes explains much of the possibility from a theme, into a mood, and character and motif to make them almost clichés.

These only offer a world of rules and pre-packaged techniques that can be applied and their beauty is not forthcoming lacking a true heart to inflame our passion. Because even if the emotion is expressed by a master, it lacks relevance in our current world.

The art of a good story is to craft a tail that has a life of its own with twists and turns, failures and triumphs, and most of all one that can be seen by others.

Beyond that, a great story is never just told, but the teller also listens and interacts with the other players of the game. To highlight each player’s character in a way that only they can shine.

Even to showcase a minor character in a major way to show that as the individual grows, and demonstrate