Wow, it’s been a month already. Ok, time for a Cyberpunk Update. I’m now involved in a podcast, it’s weird how it started. But the Tannhauser Connection (via Soundcloud) is focused on Cyberpunk Red by R. Talsorian Games. Now, Red has not been released yet, but a Jumpstart Kit has. I’m happy with the results as it gives a good overview of the changes to the system and the world. And this hasn’t been hard, since I was going to get Cyberpunk Red anyway and now I get to talk about it.
So, my other goal has been to put together what I need for my local gaming group. Which means that I’ve been updating my stuff for the new version. This has prompted by to go into overdrive with putting together resources for Cyberpunk 2020, and my best guess at what Cyberpunk Red will look like. And I’ve shared a few pieces with the various FB groups I’m part of., and now put them up on DrivethruRPG.
I’ve created two things for Cyberpunk Red in Affinity Publisher and released them on DriveThruRPG…
- A Combined Character Sheet for Cyberpunk Red & 2020, which is built off my previous effort a Cyberpunk2020 character sheet
- and NPC Sheets for Cyberpunk Red, which is just an update of the Cyberpunk2020 version